March 1, 2012
Welcoming the international Consultant on board, the former Land Titling Project director, Trithep Lohavisavapanich, who had background and experience in real estate appraisal, when there was a serious demand for valuation in market, while there was no valuation firm in Laos nor government body who administer this sector yet
March 1, 2015
Reforming team with Lao consultant, Ajan Khanty Vongkhamsane, and Thai Valuation Firm as a partner in order to establish a valuation firm, with first attempt to form new venture but unsuccessful. While, government has appointed Bank of Laos, that is Lao Security Commission Committee to administer this sector and issued regulation to regulate the real estate appraisal under Lao Security Commission Committee with International Standards.
Sept 1, 2018