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  • Basic Knowledge Seminar on Asset Valuation

Lao Property Valuation Limited Company, in collaboration with a professor from the University of Technical and Vocational Science in Land Management and Property Valuation, has a program where the professor, who has more than 15 years of teaching and real-world experience, will provide a curriculum that covers basic knowledge on asset valuation. This program is designed to ensure that participants are able to confidently and scientifically determine asset values, which is essential for making investment decisions based on international standards. Participants in this program will be able to effectively apply valuation tools in real estate, land development, and asset evaluation processes.

For learning:

  • Basic Knowledge of Asset Valuation
  • Fundamental Economic Principles Applied in Asset Valuation Work
  • The Process and Steps of Asset Valuation
  • Determining Relevant Factors Impacting Asset Value
  • Introducing Common Methods for Asset Valuation
  • Review of Necessary Property Documents and Data Collection for Asset Valuation
  • Basic Knowledge of Methods for Asset Valuation, Including Example of Market Approach
  • Basic Knowledge of Methods and Principles for Asset Valuation using the Cost Approach, with Examples of Asset Valuation for Different Property Types
  • Basic Knowledge of Methods and Principles for Asset Valuation using the Income Approach
  • Basic Knowledge Related to Leasehold Rights Valuation

Individuals who should participate:

Creditors, asset appraisers, advisors, managers who are interested in becoming real estate developers and professionals related to real estate investment, property owners, investors in real estate, as well as government employees who are involved in asset evaluation, asset management, or debt recovery and collections, and individuals generally involved in real estate.


Date: August 28-30, 2019 (3-day seminar)

Location: Phasouk Viengchantha Hotel

Seminar Method: Presentation with PowerPoint slides and examples.


Number of Participants: 20 people

Registration: Lao Value Property Co., Ltd.
Address: Ponthant Village, Xaysettha District, Vientiane Capital
Mobile: 02023333347
Tel: 021 262319/20
Website: www.laovalue.com

Note: We still accept registration for the seminar as an in-house seminar.


Qualities of a Scientist:

Kanti Wongkamsan Teacher

  1. Experience in the Government Sector:
  • Worked on the project for issuing land title deeds in Vientiane Province in the years 2001-2002.
  • Served as a lecturer at the Faculty of Technical Science in the field of land management and property valuation since 2003 to the present.
  1. Position and Job Description:
  • Currently holding the position of Head of Department: Land Use and Management, Faculty of Technical Science.
  1. Education Background:
  • From 1996 to 2001, completed a Bachelor’s degree in Land Management from the National University of Laos.
  • From 2006 to 2008, completed a Master’s degree in Property Valuation from the Thammasat University, Thailand.
  1. Additional Experience (External):
  • Previously provided consultancy in property valuation for banks.
  • Previously worked as a consultant for several property valuation companies in Laos, which received accreditation from the Ministry of Finance.
  • Currently, an independent consultant specializing in property valuation.

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