Agricultural Promotion Bank, Limited signs partnership agreement with Lao Value Asset Valuation Company Limited
On Wednesday, October 23, 2024 at 4:00 PM at the 5th floor conference room of Agricultural Promotion Bank, Limited
A joint agreement was signed between the Agricultural Promotion Bank Limited and LaoValue Asset Valuation Company Limited, which was signed by Mr. Pilavhan Sobhamixay, Director of the Agricultural Promotion Bank and Mr. Humphan Sayalath, Director of LaoValue Asset Valuation Company Limited. The list of those who attended the signing ceremony is as follows:
Agricultural Promotion Bank Limited
- Mr. Pilavhan Sobhamixay Director
- Mr. Sisaard Nermarsa Deputy Director
LaoValue Asset Valuation Company Limited
- Mr. Humphan Sayalath Director
- Mr. Visone Chanthavong Deputy Director
The purpose is to determine the scope of cooperation, rights and obligations, responsibilities, conditions, agreements and forms of joint service provision between APB and LV regarding the provision of asset valuation services including APB collateral from LV as stipulated in the agreement signed jointly between the Agricultural Promotion Bank Limited and Lao Value Property Appraisal Company Limited to promote the provision of credit services by the bank through cooperation between the two parties, the bank and the appraisal company, to ensure accurate appraisals and prices that are as close to market prices as possible, especially when appraising land or construction sites. After that, the bank and the appraisal company also organized activities such as a football game to strengthen friendships and also to participate in a game to build acquaintances and exchange knowledge.