Property Appraisal Sector is very critical under Lao Security Commission office, Bank of Lao PDR, Property Valuation in Laos, there were 9 companies approved by Lao Security Commission (LSC), Bank of Lao PDR, 7 companies are active and we were recommended by Lao Security Commission to be organized as the Club and officially established as “Lao Property Valuation Club” in August 2021 with rules and regulation were approved by LSC in place, Mr. Houmphan Saiyalath, Tony selected to be the Vice President of the Club, for the standard practice and professional ethic of property appraisal were gradually in place, and learn from the experience, foreign countries expertise.
Based on Lao Rules and Regulations in order to establish as a Association, it must have at least 25 membership companies to be eligible who specifically in real estate appraisal service.
Official Appointments for advisory board and establishing appraisal club committee, laovaluationclubassociation
We have monthly meeting for the club presidential executives and quarterly meeting for the whole club members
Some of our activities Photography Story:
Quarterly Meeting
Sport Activities to strengthen relationship.
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