
Lao Value is the brother companies of RentsBuy Property. Originally RentsBuy were trying to diversify its service to property valuation since 2015 by using the same name of company to register during that time there was no government organization who were responsible for the property valuation field. Afterward end of 2015, there was the regulation by central bank of Lao PDR issue Regulation on Approval of Asset Valuation Companies. (Download Lao or Eng version).  We kept trying until August 2019, LaoValue was officially approved.

Lao Securities Commission (LSC) has a role as a secretariat to the government for study and create policies, strategic plan, laws and regulations relating to securities development, steering and guidance the securities supervisory in unity and throughout the country in order to fundraising from public and operation of securities trading in securities activities conducting in an orderly, effectively and compliance with the laws and regulations.

Approval Certificate

Approval Certificate

Phonsaart Village, Saysetta District, Vientiane Capital.
PO. Box: 19 Phone: (856-21) 217770 / Fax: (856-21) 217806. Email:

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